Yarn Price Database

The yarn price database  contains daily, weekly and historical data covering the spun yarns on the international market and on the domestic markets in China, India and Pakistan.


Spun yarn export prices: combed cotton, polyester-cotton, polyester-viscose, polyester spun, viscose spun and acrylic spun. Cotton yarn import prices in China (Indian origin vs Indonesia, Pakistan and Vietnam).

Domestic and import yarn index available on a daily and monthly basis, covering a large number of counts for spun cotton, polyester, viscose, polycotton, polyviscose, etc.

Domestic yarn prices are updated on a weekly and monthly basis. A large number of counts are released for spun cotton, polyester, viscose, polyester-cotton, and polyester-viscose.

Domestic and export yarn prices are available on a daily and monthly basis, offering a comprehensive and unique view of the market for spun cotton (carded and combed), polyester-cotton, polyester-viscose, spun polyester and spun viscose in both Karachi and Faisalabad.

Domestic cotton yarn prices are available on a weekly basis, offering a comprehensive view of the market for cotton carded, cotton organic, melange, carded slub, cotton-polyester 60/40, cotton-polyester 40/60 and open end.

Domestic prices are compared on a weekly and monthly basis in China, India and Pakistan, covering cotton yarns, polyester spun and viscose spun.