India Yarn Price Database

Our India yarn database displays weekly updated prices, covering cotton yarns on export and domestic markets, organic and BCI cotton yarns, Supima cotton yarns, polyester-cotton, polyester-viscose, 100% viscose, 100% polyester, 100% acrylic, recycled polyester, and Modal and Lyocell yarns.

Our team reviews yarn prices in Punjab (Ludhiana), Maharashtra (Bhiwandi), and Tamil Nadu (Tirupur). Historical data are available covering up to five years.

Cotton Yarns (Domestic Market)

Organic and BCI Cotton Yarns

Supima-Cotton Yarns

Polyester-Cotton Yarns

Polyester Spun Yarns

Recycled Polyester Spun Yarns

Polyester-Viscose Spun Yarns

Viscose Spun and Acrylic Spun Yarns

Modal and Lyocell Spun Yarns