
This section offers a comprehensive view of the fiber, yarn, and apparel prices in Pakistan being covered through our price reports and price database.


Pakistan domstic cotton prices - India vs. Pakistan Price Comparison - China vs. India & Pakistan Price Comparison - Daily & Historical Data up to 10 years available for download.

Domestic and export yarn prices are available on a daily and monthly basis, offering a comprehensive view of the market for cotton yarns (carded and combed), polyester-cotton, polyester-viscose, spun polyester and spun viscose in both Karachi and Faisalabad.

Domestic prices are compared on a weekly and monthly basis in China, India and Pakistan, covering cotton yarns, polyester spun and viscose spun.


Our weekly review covers the fiber and yarn prices in Pakistan, including, cotton, polyester, viscose fibers, and cotton yarns, polyester-cotton, polyester-viscose, polyester spun and viscose spun yarn markets in Karachi and Faisalabad, with a long series of tables, charts and weekly data over a 12-month period.

Our monthly cotton vs polyester price comparison offers average monthly prices in China, India and Pakistan, in local curreny and US dollar terms since 2007. Historical data are available for download.

Our monthly report compares cotton fiber and cotton yarn prices in China, India, and Pakistan, with the latest gross margin trends of spinning mills. Historical data back to 2007 are available for download.

Our monthly report compares polyester staple fiber and polyester spun yarn prices in China, India, and Pakistan, in both local currency terms and US$ terms. Gross margins of spinners are also calculated on a monthly basis. Historical data back to 2007 are available for download.

Our statistical report offers a comprehensive view of latest export data on a quarterly basis, including knit, woven and total apparel are also available. Full data of US and EU clothing imports from Pakistan, per product catrgory. All tables include volume, value and unit value changes. Full data are available for download.

Our statistical report offers a comprehensive view of EU's clothing imports, by comparing volume, value and unit price changes per quarter and per leading origins, for most categories of HS 4-digit products. Data are available for download.

Our review compares US apparel imports per leading origin, and for most categories of products with volume, value and unit price changes being calculated. All data are available for download.