Recycled Polyester (Re-PSF) Yarn Prices (Monthly)

Recycled polyester Re PSF yarn prices have moved in different ways in India Bangladesh and Turkey in the last few weeks Our latest report features Re PSF yarn price comparison tables in Bangladesh India and Turkey Price differences between Re PSF yarns and virgin PSF yarns are also displayed All

China Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

Textile fiber prices are dropping in China which could trigger a fall in spun yarn prices This weekly report offers comprehensive coverage of the cotton polyester and viscose markets in China providing detailed pricing information for both domestic and imported yarns Additionally it includes local market prices for Qianqing Zhejiang

Vietnam Apparel Exports (Country Report)

Vietnam s apparel exports have begun to recover in the first two months of the year after plummeting in 2023 Our report offers a comprehensive view of Bangladesh s apparel exports in the first quarter in volume value and unit values per destination over the last four years Knit woven

Wool Prices In Australia (Weekly)

Wool prices experienced different trends this week in Australia depending on the days and products Our report provides a comprehensive analysis of wool prices in Australia encompassing most micron types and is presented in Australian Dollars AUD US Dollars USD and Euros EUR Additionally historical data covering the past decade

EU Clothing Imports in 2023: Markets

The European Union s apparel imports experienced a notable decline in 2023 with varying impacts across different European markets Our detailed report spans from 2018 to 2023 and covers knit woven and total apparel imports from outside the EU 27 area It provides in depth analysis on changes in volume