Polyester Chain Prices in Asia (Weekly)

The prices of polyester chain products are falling across the board following the end of the May Day holidays in China. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the prices for essential components within the polyester chain, including paraxylene (PX), purified terephthalic acid (PTA), monoethylene glycol (MEG), polyester chips, staple

Cotton Prices on International and Domestic Markets (Weekly)

Cotton futures continued their downward trend in New York over the past week. However, there is potential for cotton prices to rebound on the international market. This report covers the cotton futures markets in New York and China, as well as international prices by origin and domestic markets in China,

Wool Prices In Australia (Weekly)

Wool prices tumbled this week in Australia after previously rising for two weeks. Our report provides a comprehensive analysis of wool prices in Australia, encompassing most micron types, and is presented in Australian Dollars (AUD), US Dollars (USD), and Euros (EUR). Additionally, historical data covering the past decade is available

Spandex Chain Prices in China (Monthly)

Spandex prices continued to fall in April in China, due to persistent weakness in demand and elevated operating rates amid surging capacities. Our monthly report covers spandex, MDI, and PTMEG prices within the domestic Chinese market, along with weekly margin trends at spandex production facilities. We offer access to daily

Cotton & Polyester Price Comparison (Monthly)

Cotton prices fell across the board in April, leading to a decrease in the cotton/PSF spread. Our monthly report offers a detailed comparison of average cotton and PSF prices in China, India, and Pakistan, providing insights into both current and historical trends in the price disparity between cotton and polyester.