Price Database
Find the price you are looking for in our extensive database of hundreds of products, through daily updated tables, charts, and historical data.

Price Reports
In-depth review of every market through a price analysis offering the latest trends, and a series of tables, charts, and links to historical data.

Trade Environment
In-depth analysis of the factors affecting the apparel trade: currency trends, inflation rates, China's economy, and minimum wages.

Daily, Weekly, Monthly
Daily, weekly, and monthly price updates. Historical data covering up to 20 years.

Gross Margins
Spreads between price offers and material costs of producers. Yarns vs. Fibers. Fiber chain comparisons.

Country Comparison
Fiber and yarn prices are compared between China, India, and Pakistan over multiple years.

Price Tables
The price tables are updated every day with the latest available data. They include price comparisons and price indexes.

The charts offer 3-month, 1-year, and up to 20-year views. Price indexes help assess the percentage changes over the covered period.

Historical Data
Monthly average price series available for download through csv files, and covering up to 20 years depending on markets.