China Fiber & Yarn Price Reports

This weekly report covers China’s fiber and yarn prices in cotton, polyester, and viscose markets. Domestic and imported yarn price indicators are released, along with local market prices in Qianqing (Zhejiang). This includes the prices of spun cotton, polyester, viscose, and blends in various counts. All data are downloadable.

China Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

Cotton yarn prices climbed further in the past seven days in China, confirming the end of a long-term destocking trend in the downward industries. This weekly report offers comprehensive coverage of the cotton, polyester, and viscose markets in China, providing detailed pricing information for both domestic and imported yarns. Additionally, it includes local market prices for Qianqing (Zhejiang). The data covers a wide range of products, including spun cotton, polyester, viscose, and various blends, and is available for downloading. Read more...

China Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

Cotton fiber and yarn prices have continued to rise in the past week in China. In this report, we will explain the reasons behind this increase. This weekly report offers comprehensive coverage of the cotton, polyester, and viscose markets in China, providing detailed pricing information for both domestic and imported yarns. Additionally, it includes local market prices for Qianqing (Zhejiang). The data covers a wide range of products, including spun cotton, polyester, viscose, and various blends, and is readily available for downloading and use as a reference. Read more...

China Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

Fiber and yarn prices have mostly risen in the last two weeks in China. We analyze the reasons behind. This weekly report offers comprehensive coverage of the cotton, polyester, and viscose markets in China. It provides detailed pricing information for both domestic and imported yarns, as well as local market prices for Qianqing (Zhejiang). The data covers a variety of products, including spun cotton, polyester, viscose, and various blends, and is easily accessible for downloading and use as a reference. Read more...

China Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

Cotton yarn prices have slightly increased in the past seven days in China. We analyze the reasons behind. This weekly report offers comprehensive coverage of the cotton, polyester, and viscose markets in China. It provides detailed pricing information for both domestic and imported yarns, as well as local market prices for Qianqing (Zhejiang). The data covers a variety of products, including spun cotton, polyester, viscose, and various blends, and is easily accessible for downloading and use as a reference. Read more...