Cotton vs. Polyester Price Comparison

Our monthly report compares the cotton and PSF market indicators in China, India, and Pakistan over the last 12 months, with monthly data available over the last 15 years.

Cotton & Polyester Price Comparison (Monthly)

Cotton and PSF prices rose slightly in April in China, India, and Pakistan, with the spread everywhere moving in the same direction. Our monthly report delivers a comparative view of the average cotton and polyester prices in China, India, and Pakistan, including the latest and historical trends of the cotton/polyester price difference. Historical data covering the past 14 years are available for download. Read more...

Cotton & Polyester Price Comparison (Monthly)

Cotton prices fell further in March, in China, India, and Pakistan. PSF prices stayed more stable by contrast. Our monthly report delivers a comparative view of the average cotton and polyester prices in China, India, and Pakistan, including the latest and historical trends of the cotton/polyester price difference. Historical data covering the past 14 years are available for download. Read more...

Cotton & Polyester Price Comparison (Monthly)

Cotton and polyester prices stayed stable in China and India in the last month, whereas rising in Pakistan over a previous fall of the domestic currency. The spread moved differently depending on countries. Our monthly report delivers a comparative view of the average cotton and polyester prices in China, India, and Pakistan, including the latest and historical trends of the cotton/polyester price difference. Historical data covering the past 14 years are available for download.

Cotton and Polyester Price Comparison (Monthly)

Cotton prices continued to drop in December in China, India, and Pakistan and the price difference narrowed further with polyester which is less competitive than a year earlier. Our monthly report delivers a comparative view of the average cotton and polyester prices in China, India, and Pakistan, including the latest and historical trends of the cotton/polyester price difference. Historical data covering the past 14 years are available for download. Read more...

Fiber Prices