Vietnam Apparel Exports

Our statistical report provides a comprehensive overview of Vietnam’s apparel exports by destination and product category, encompassing volume, value, and unit value terms. Additionally, it includes data on US and EU apparel imports from Vietnam, categorized by product category, with detailed information on volume, value, and unit prices.

Vietnam Apparel Exports (Country Report)

Vietnam's apparel exports rebounded in the first half, stimulated by China's difficulties and the effect of free-trade agreements. Our statistical report offers a comprehensive view of Vietnam's exports in volume, value, and unit values per destination over the last four years. 3-year indexes are released to evaluate the impact of the pandemic. Knit, woven, and total apparel exports are separately published. All data are available for download.
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Vietnam Apparel Exports (Country Report)

Vietnam lost significant shares of the global apparel market after being affected by the terrible Covid lockdown of the last summer. Production and sales rebounded in the fourth quarter ahead of a possible disruption by the Omicron variant. Our statistical series provide a comprehensive statistical view of Vietnam's clothing exports per destination in the third quarter of 2021, including volume, value, and unit value changes. Data also include US and EU clothing imports from Vietnam per product category. All data are available for download. Read